[:en]The Office of Latino/Latin American Studies (OLLAS) at the University of Nebraska Omaha announced last week the appointment of its new director, Dr. Cristián Doña-Reveco, who has also been named associate professor for the Sociology/Anthropology Department.

Doña-Reveco’s research interests lie in international migration within the Americas in a comparative- historical perspective. His dissertation, entitled In the Shadow of Empire and Nation: Chilean Migration to the US since the 1950s, analyzed the historical and biographical components of the decision to migrate. His current lines of research deal with migration decisions, the relations between the state and its migrants, and migrant access to rights in receiving societies. Doña-Reveco will assume his post on August 14.

Established in 2003, with the support of UNO faculty, staff, and students as well as the metropolitan community, OLLAS contributes rigorous research, as well as helps fill a void in the institutional infrastructure, dedicated to the understanding and incorporation of the Latino/Latin American population within and across borders.

For more information about OLLAS go to the University of Nebraska Omaha website www.unomaha. edu.[:es]La Oficina de Estudios Latino/Latino Americanos (OLLAS) de la Universidad de Nebraska Omaha, anunció la semana pasada el nombramiento de su nuevo director Cristián Doña-Reveco, quien también fue nombrado profesor asociado del departamento de Sociología y Antropología.

La reciente línea de investigación es sobre las decisiones migratorias, las relaciones entre el Estado y sus migrantes, y el acceso de migrantes a derechos en las sociedades que los reciben. Doña-Reveco asumirá el puesto el 14 de agosto.

Para más información sobre OLLAS vaya al sitio de internet de la Universidad de Nebraska Omaha al www.unomaha.edu.[:]