[:en]Cloture attempt on voter ID constitutional amendment fails[:es]Clausura del debate en identificación para votar[:]


[:en]Senators from Nebraska Unicameral rejected a cloture motion May 9 during first-round debate on a measure that would ask Nebraskans to decide whether voters must show identification at the polls.

LR1CA, introduced by Gretna Senator John Murante, would place a proposed constitutional amendment on the November 2018 general election ballot. If approved, the amendment would require voters in Nebraska to present an ID containing a photograph or digital image prior to casting a ballot.

The Legislature would be tasked with determining the specifics of the voter ID requirement through enabling legislation. Murante said it would be possible to craft enabling legislation that would not suppress the state’s minority vote, while acknowledging that voter ID requirements historically have been enacted with the intention of targeting minority groups.

Lincoln Sen. Adam Morfeld spoke in opposition, saying voter ID laws place an unnecessary burden on the elderly, veterans, low-income individuals and others. The secretary of state has stated that Nebraska’s elections are secure, he said, so there is no need to change the state’s constitution.

Murante offered a motion to invoke cloture, or cease debate and vote on the measure. He said he would work over the interim to try and develop voter ID legislation that everyone in the state could support.

The cloture motion failed on a vote of 26-17. A failed cloture motion results in debate on a proposal ceasing for the day. LR1CA is unlikely to be placed on the agenda again this session.[:es]Senadores de la Legislatura de Nebraska rechazaron la moción de clausura, el pasado mayo 9, durante el primer debate en la medida que pedirá a los residentes de Nebraska decidir si loe electores deberán presentar una identificación para votar.

LR1CA, presentada por el Senador de Gretna, John Murante, podría pedir a los residentes de Nebraska decidir con su voto sobre la enmienda constitucional durante las elecciones de Noviembre 2018.

La legislatura tendría que encontrar una forma de identificación para que los electores presentaran cada vez que van a votar. Murante dijo que seria posible llevar esta enmienda a cabo sin sacrificar en las minorías.

El senador de Lincoln Adam Morfeld habló sobre su oposición ya que representa un problema más para los electores adultos mayores, veteranos, y personas de bajos recursos. Además que el Secretario del Estado de Nebraska ha dicho que las elecciones son seguras por lo que no se requiere de una identificación para votar.

La clausura del debate fallo a favor y la propuesta se cerró ese día, por lo que LR1CA es poco probable que vuelva a la agenda en este término.[:]